EGF美容液・EGF化粧品・EGF製造メーカーの株式会社パース PARS EGF エクストラエッセンス

首頁 > 研究顧問 l 樋口亞紺 博士



樋口亜紺博士履歴獎賞/證照/資格學會邀請演講國際會議邀請演講EducationAppointmentsResearchAwards/Author/MentorPUBLICATIONS論文著書BOOKS專利申請/獲得ORAL PRESENTATION at INTERNATIONAL & USA MEETINGSEXTERNAL PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESResearch Funds樋口亜紺博士台湾新聞報導英文新聞報導

研究顧問|樋口亜紺 博士

樋口博士樋口亜紺  博士(低分子工学、細胞再生学)
台湾国立中央大学 招待教授

国立中央大学(台湾) 化学材料工学科主任教授 並びに 国立成育医療センター研究所生殖医療研究部 研究員

研究分野: 医療工学材料、高分子物理化学、生物物理化学、高分子機能膜の調製とキャラクタリ ゼーション、バイオセパレーション、バイオマテリアル、バイオセンサー、細胞工 学、細胞と高分子材料との相互作用、膜電位理論と計測、細胞膜電位、水の構造分 析、環境分析、生化学分析、生体適合性材料評価、血液適合性分析、細胞動態の計 測、細胞の光応答

Personal Record (CURRICULUM VITAE)
Name: Akon Higuchi
Degree: Dr. of Engineering
Title: Chair Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Central University

樋口亜紺 博士 履歴


1979年 東京工業大学工学部高分子工学科卒業
1980-1981年 マンチェスター工科大学繊維科学科交換留学
1982年 東京工業大学理工学研究科高分子工学専攻前期課程修了
1985年 東京工業大学理工学研究科高分子工学専攻後期課程修了(工学博士取得)
1985-1986年 旭化成工業株式会社機能膜事業部研究課勤務
1986-1993年 明治大学理工学部工業化学科助手
1991年 ソウル大学農学部招待研究員(1ヶ月)
1993-1999年 成蹊大学工学部工業化学科助教授
1996年 カリフォルニア大学デービス校薬学部招待研究員(1ヶ月)
1999-年 成蹊大学工学部応用化学科教授
2000-年 成蹊大学工学研究科応用化学専攻専攻主任
2007年 国立中央大学(台湾) 化学材料工学科主任教授


1979年 国家公務員上級試験(化学)1次合格
1989年 高分子研究奨励金受領(現高分子研究奨励賞) 
1994年 繊維学会祖父江記念賞受賞
2002年 応急手当普及員資格取得
2003年 成蹊会学術賞受賞


米国化学会、日本化学会、高分子学会、再生医療学会、日本バイオマテリアル学会、 日本膜学会、繊維学会、日本海水学会


* 高分子学会関東支部理事(2002年より2006年)
* 高分子学会代議員(2005年より現在)
* 高分子学会刊行物編集委員(2001年より2004年)
* 高分子学会武蔵野地区幹事(1999年より2007年)
* 高分子学会高分子と水の研究会委員(2000年より現在)
* 高分子学会高分子と水の研究会委員長(2006年より現在)
* 日本膜学会評議員(2003年より現在)
* 日本膜学会編集委員(2001年より現在)
* 日本海水学会編集委員(2003年より現在)
* 繊維学会評議員(2004年より現在)

* The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96、膜と膜技術の国際会議、1996年、セッションチェアマン)
* 214th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., Las Vegas (U.S.A.), 1997(米国化学会、1997年、セッションチェアマン)
* 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001(米国化学会、2001年、セッションチェアマン)
* Symposium on Membranes - Basic Science and Technology Society of Fiber Science, Japan(浜松、2001年、繊維学会主催国際学会実行委員長)
* 223th ACS National Meeting, Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Orlando (U.S.A.), April, 2002,(米国化学会、2002年、セッ ションチェアマン)
* The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004) (北米膜学会、2004年、セッションチェアマン)
* Membrane Applications in the Life Sciences(ドイツ、2004年、セッショ ンチェアマン))
* The 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM、カンクン(メキシコ)、2005年、セッションオーガナ イザー、セッションチェアマン)
* Engineering with membranes: medical and Biological Applications 2005 (EWM2005), (カモグリ、イタリア、2005年、サイエンティフィック実行委員、セッ ションチェア)
* International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea)(ICOM2005)、(ソウル、2005年、セッションチェアマン)
* Pachifichem2005(ホノルル(ハワイ)、2005年、セッションチェアマン)
* 232th ACS National Meeting, Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, San Francisco (U.S.A.), September, 2006(米国化学会秋季集 会、2006年、セッションチェアマン)
* The Third Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Beijing(China) (北京、2006年、サイエンティフィックメンバー)
* The Fourth Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Taipei(Taiwan) (台北、2006年、セッションチェアマン)


1. A. Higuchi, Separation and preservation of stem cells from blood through membranesGRC2006, Membranes: Materials & Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), August, 2006.

2. A. Higuchi, T. Yamamoto, S. Egashira. Y. Matsuoka, S. Natori, Temperature-dependent Cell Detachment on Pluronic Gels, Pachifichem2005, Honolulu (USA), December, 2005

3. A. Higuchi, Human cell separation using polymeric membranes, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005(ICOM2005), Seoul(Korea), August, 2005

4. A. Higuchi, A. Iizuka, R. Hayashi, Y. Matsuoka, Separation of hematopoietic stem cells from blood through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, Engineering with membranes: medical and Biological Applications 2005 (EWM2005), Camogli (Italy), 2005.5

5. A. Higuchi, Stem Cell Separations for Tissue Engineering through Surface-Modified Porous Membranes, the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM) Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 2005.4

6. A. Higuchi, R. Hayashi, S. Yamamiya, Peripheral blood cell separation through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.6

7. A. Higuchi, R. Hayashi, S. Yamamiya, H. Kitamura, Cell Separation from Peripheral Blood through Surface-modified Polysulfone Membranes, Advanced Membrane Technology II, Irsee (Germany), 2004.5

8. A. Higuchi, M. Hara, T. Sato, G. Ishikawa, H. Nakano and S. Satoh, Rejection of DNA, Protein-DNA Complexes and Chromatin by Hollow Fiber Membranes, The Membrane Society of Korea, 1996, p18-21


Tokyo Institute of Technology BSc.
1979 Polymer Science University of Manchester Institute 1980-1981 Exchange Student from Ministry of Science and Technology (UK) Education, Japan Tokyo Institute of Technology MSc.
1982 Polymer Science Tokyo Institute of Technology Dr. of Eng.
1985 Polymer Science


1985-1986 Researcher, Division of Functional Membranes, Asahi Chemical Co.
1986-1993 Research Associate, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Meiji University
1996 Invited Researcher, Seoul National University
1993-1999 Associate Professor, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Seikei University 1995 Invited Researcher, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis
1999-2001 Professor, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Seikei University Active Director, Center for International Exchange, Seikei University
2001-2006 Professor, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Director of Post Graduate Course of Applied Chemistry Seikei University
2005-2007 Professor, Dept. of Materials & Life Science Seikei University
2007-present Chair Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering National Central University

Research and/or Professional Experience

Functional Materials & Membranes (Chiral Separation, Ultrafiltration)
Biomedical Polymers, Cell Culture, Biocompatible Membranes, Tissue Engineering
Bio-sensor, Physical Chemistry & Biophysics, Membrane Potential
Bioseparation, Nano-surface & cell culture
Deoxyribozyme, Surface Modification, Polymer Chemistry
The States of Water in Gels, Polymer Physics


1994 Sofue Memorial Award, Society of Fiber Science, Japan
2003 Seikei Academic Award, Seikei Alumni Association


119 scientific papers and monographs written in Englsish
23 patent


More than 130 undergraduate students and 20 graduate students

PUBLICATIONS (English Journal only)

1) A. Higuchi, Y. Chang, A. Umezawa, W.-Y. Chen Separation of hematopoietic stem cells from human blood through porous polymeric membranes, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part A, in press.
2) A. Higuchi, E. Takayama, K. Hirai, T. Ishikawa, N. Takizawa, M. Sakurai, S. Egashira, Y. Matsuoka, S. H. Natori, Removal of Endocrine Disruptors in Milk by Circulation through Polydimethylsiloxane Tubing, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 102(4), 3634-3640 (2006).
3) A. Higuchi, N. Aoki, T. Yamamoto, T. Miyazaki, H. Fukushima, T. M. Tak, S. Jyujyoji, S. Egashira, Y. Matsuoka, S. Hayashi, Temperature-induced cell detachment on immobilized Pluronic surface, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part A, in press.
4) S. H. Natori, Y. Gomei, A. Higuchi, Synthesis and Performance of Amphiphilic Copolymers for Blood Cell Separation, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part B – Applied Biomaterials, 78B(2), 318-326 (2006).
5) A. Higuchi, A. Iizuka, Y. Gomei, T. Miyazaki, M. Sakurai, Y. Matsuoka, S.H. Natori, Separation of CD34+ cells from human peripheral blood through polyurethane membranes, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part B – Applied Biomaterials, 78B(3), 491-499 (2006).
6) Y. Matsuoka, N. Kanda, Y. M. Lee and A. Higuchi, Chiral separation of phenylalanine in ultrafiltration through DNA-immobilized chitosan membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 280, 116-123 (2006).
7) A. Higuchi, M. Satoh, K. Kobayashi, C. S. Cho, T. Akaike, S. Egashira, Y. Matsuoka, S. H. Natori, Albumin and urea production by hepatocytes cultured on polyurethane foaming membranes coated with extracellular matrix, J. Membrane Sci., 280, 983-989 (2006).
8) A. Higuchi, N. Aoki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Gomei, S. Egashira, Y. Matsuoka, T. Miyazaki, H. Fukushima, S. Jyujyoji and S. H. Natori, Bio-inert surface of Pluronic-immobilized flask for preservation of haematopoietic stem cells, Biomacromolecules, 7, 1083-1089 (2006).
9) S.-J. Seo, Y.-J. Choi. T. Akaike, A. Higuchi, C.-S. Cho, Alginate/galactosylated chitosan/heparin scaffold as a new synthetic extracellular matrix for hepatocytes, Tissue Engineering, 12(1), 33-44 (2006)
10) A. Higuchi, T. Watanabe, Y. Matsubara, Y. Matsuoka, and S. Hayashi, Regulation of neurite outgrowth by intermittent irradiation of visible light, J. Phys. Chem.,109, 11033-11036 (2005).
11) A. Higuchi, M. Kurihara, K. Kobayashi, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike, M. Hara, Albumin and urea production by hepatocytes cultured on extracellular matrix proteins-conjugated poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes, J. Biomat. Sci., Polym. Edn., 16(7) 847-760 (2005).
12) A. Higuchi, Y. Shindo, Y. Gomei, T. Mori, T. Uyama, A. Umezawa, Cell separation between mesenchymal progenitor cells through porous polymeric membranes, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part B – Applied Biomaterials, 74B(1), 511-519 (2005).
13) A. Higuchi, T. Yamamoto, K. Sugiyama, S. Hayashi, T.-M. Tak, T. Nakagawa, Temperature-dependent cell detachment on Pluronic gels, Biomacromolecules, 6, 691-696 (2005).
14) R.S. Prabhakar, T.C. Merkel, B.D. Freeman, T. Imizu, A. Higuchi, Sorption and transport properties of propane and perfluoropropane in poly(dimethylsiloxane) and poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propane), Macromolecules, 38, 1899-1910 (2005).
15) A. Higuchi, A. Hayashi, N. Kanda, K. Sanui, H. Kitamura, Chiral Separation of Amino Acids in Ultrafiltration through DNA-immobilized Cellulose Membranes, J. Mol. Structure, 739(1-3), 145-152 (2005).
16) A. Higuchi, Y. Murayama, Y. Tsukamoto, T. Kojima, H. Kitamura, Quantitation of DNA from flow cytometry analysis using fluorescent probe, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 77, 2021-2025 (2004).
17) A. Higuchi, Y. Tsukamoto, Cell separation between hepatocytes and fibroblasts through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 71A, 470-479 (2004).
18) A. Higuchi, B. O. Yoon, T. Kaneko, M. Maekawa, T. Nohmi, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation: DOP and BHT in mineral water, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 94, 1737-1742 (2004).
19) A. Higuchi, A. Hamamura, Y. Shindo, H. Kitamura, B. O. Yoon, T. Mori, T. Uyama, and A. Umezawa, Photon-modulated changes of cell attachments on poly(spiropyran-co-methyl- methacrylate) membranes, Biomacromolecules, 5, 1770-1774 (2004).
20) A. Higuchi, H. Hashiba, R. Hayashi, B.-O. Yoon, M. Sakurai, M. Hara, Serum protein and platelet adsorption on aspartic acid-immobilized polysulfone membranes, J. Biomat. Sci., Polym. Edn., 15(8), 1051-1063 (2004).
21) T. Uragami, T. Katayama, T. Miyata, H. Tamura, T. Shiraiwa, A. Higuchi, Dehydration of an ethanol/water azeotrope by novel organic-inorganic hybrid membranes based on quaternized chitosan and tetraethoxysilane, Biomacromolecules, 5, 1567-1574 (2004).
22) Akon Higuchi, Masahiko Kyokon, Sachiyo Murayama, Masanobu Yokogi, Tomoko Hirasaki, Sei-Ichi Manabe, Effect of aggregated protein sizes on the flux of protein solution through microporous membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 236, 137-144 (2004).
23) B.-O. Yoon, T. Asano, K. Nakaegawa, M. Ishige, M. Hara, A. Higuchi, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation. II Relationship between separation factor and their physical parameters, ACS Symposium Series 876, 2004, chp. 27.
24) A. Higuchi, H. Hashiba, R. Hayashi, B. O. Yoon, M. Hattori, M. Hara, Chemically modified polysulfone hollow fibers with zwitterionic sulfoalkylbetaine group having improved blood compatibility, ACS Symposium Series 876, 2004, chp 25.
25) A. Higuchi, S. Yamamiya, B. O. Yoon, M. Sakurai, M. Hara, Peripheral blood cell separation through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 68A, 34-42 (2004).
26) A. Higuchi, H. Kitamura, K. Shishimine, S. Konishi, B.O. Yoon, M. Hara, Visible light is able to guide neuronal networks in a micro-patterned manner, J. Biomat. Sci., Polym. Edn., 14(12) (2003) 1377-1388.
27) M. Hara, Y. Takanashi, N. Tuzuki, H. Kawakami, K. Toma, and A. Higuchi, Production of interferon- by NB1-RGB cells cultured on peptide-lipid membranes, Cytotechnology, 42, 13-20 (2003).
28) A. Higuchi, Y. Higuchi, K. Furuta, B.-O. Yoon, M. Hara, S. Maniwa, M. Saitoh, K. Sanui, Chiral separation of phenylalanine by ultrafiltration through immobilized DNA membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 221(1-2) (2003) 207-218.
29) A. Higuchi, Y. Takanashi, N. Tsuzuki, T. Asakura, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike, and M. Hara, Production of interferon- by fibroblast cells on membranes prepared with RGD-containing peptides, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 65A(3) (2003) 369-378.
30) A. Higuchi, K. Sugiyama, B. O. Yoon, M. Sakurai, M. Hara, Masaya Sumita, Shu-ichi Sugahara, Takashi Shirai, Serum protein and platelet adsorption on pluronic-coated polysulfone membranes, Biomaterials, 24(19) (2003) 3235 - 3245.
31) M. Hara, S. Adachi and A. Higuchi, Enhanced production of antigen (CEA)by CW-2 cells cultured on various polymeric membranes, J. Biomat. Sci., Polym. Edn., 14(2) (2003) 139-155.
32) B.-O. Yoon, S. Koyanagi, T. Asano, M. Hara, A. Higuchi, Removal of endocrine disruptors by selective sorption method using activated carbons, J. Mass Spectro. Jpn., 51(1) (2003) 168-173.
33) M. Maekawa, T. Nohmi, T. Inoue, A. Higuchi, Significance of order Sensing and roasted smell of wood, J. Mass Spectro. Jpn., 51(1) (2003) 187-195.
34) B.O. Yoon, T. Asano, M. Hara, A. Higuchi, Removal of endocrine disruptors by selective sorption method using polydimethylsiloxane membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 213, 137-144 (2003).
35) A. Higuchi, Y. Takanashi, T. Ohno, T. Asakura, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike, and M. Hara, Production of interferon- by fibroblast cells on the membranes prepared by extracellular matrix proteins, Cytotechnology, 39(3) (2002) 131-137.
36) A. Higuchi, M. Nemoto, H. Koyama, K. Hirano, B.-O. Yoon, M. Hara, M. Yokogi, S. Manabe, Enhanced microfiltration of -globulin solution upon treatment of NaCl addition and/or DNase digestion, J. Membrane Sci., 210(2), 369-378 (2002).
37) S. Shimojo,T. Akaike, M. Hara, A. Higuchi, I.K. Park and C.S.Cho, Hepatocyte attachment onto poly(gamma-benzyl L-glutamate)/poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)diblock copolymer Langmuir- Blodgett surface, J. Biomat. Sci., Polym. Edn. 13(7), 829-842 (2002).
38) Akon Higuchi, Kantaro Furuta, Hiroshi Yomogita, Boo Ok Yoon, Mariko Hara, Syunji Maniwa, Masatoshi Saitoh, Optical Resolution of Amino Acid by Ultrafiltration through Immobilized DNA Membranes, Desalination, 148 (2002) 155-157.
39) A. Higuchi, K. Shirano, M. Harashima, B. O. Yoon, M. Hara, M. Hattori, K. Imamura, Chemically modified polysulfone hollow fibers with vinylpyrrolidone having improved blood compatibility, Biomaterials, 23(13) (2002) 2659-2666.
40) Akon Higuchi, Hiroshi Yomogita, Boo Ok Yoon, Toshinori Kojima, Mariko Hara, Syunji Maniwa, Masatoshi Saitoh, Optical resolution of amino acid by ultrafiltration using recognition sites of DNA, J. Membrane Sci., 205(1-2), (2002) 203-212.
41) Akon Higuchi, Boo-Ok Yoon, Takao Asano, Kenta Nakaegawa, Satoshi Miki, Mariko Hara, Zhenjie He, Ingo Pinnau, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation, J. Membrane Sci., 198 (2002)311-320.
42) T. Nakagawa, T. Nishimura, A. Higuchi, Morphology and gas permeability in copolyimides containing polydimethylsiloxane block, J. Membrane Sci., 206 (2002) 149-163.
43) Taro Tsubomura, Takayuki Tanihata, Tetsuya Yamakawa, Rakuko Ohmi, Tsuyoshi Tamane, Akon Higuchi, Akira Katoh and Ken Sakai, Synthesis and structure of new binuclear organopalladiun macrocyclic complezes, Organometallics, 120(18), 3833-3835 (2001).
44) A. Katoh, Y. Hikita, M. Harata, J. Ohkanda, T. Tsubomura, A. Higuchi, R. Saitoand K. Harada, 3-Hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridinone-containing linear and cyclic hexapeptides and their iron(III) complexes - synthesis, property, and the growth-promotion activity-, Heterocycles, 55(11) (2001) 2171-2187.
45) A. Higuchi, A. Komuro, K. Hirano, Boo-Ok Yoon, M. Hara, T. Hirasaki, Y. Nishimoto, M. Yokogi and Sei-ichi Manabe, Permeation of -globulin through Microporous Membranes under Existence of Trace DNA, J. Membrane Sci., 186(1), 9-18 (2001).
46) S. Manabe, R. Fujioka, T. Sasaki, M. Yokogi and A. Higuchi, Diffusional Behavior of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in a Pore, Bull. Fac. Human Sci. Fukuoka Women's University, 32 71-77 (2001)
47) S. Manabe, R. Fujioka, M. Meno, M. Yokogi and A. Higuchi, Change in Diffusion Coefficient of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in a Pore with Coexisting Molecules, Bull. Fac. Human Sci. Fukuoka Women's University, 31 19-24 (2000)
48) A. Higuchi, S. Adachi, T. Imizu, Y.-B. Ok, T. Tsubomura, M. Hara and K. Sakai, Oscillation of Membrane Potential in Immobilized DNA Membranes, J. Phys. Chem., 104(42), 9864-9872 (2000)
49) A. Higuchi, M. Yoshida, T. Ohno, T. Asakura and M. Hara, Production of Interferon- in a Culture of Fibroblast Cells on Some Polymeric Films, Cytotechnology, 34, 165-173 (2000).
50) A. Higuchi, S. Tamiya, T. Tsubomura, A. Katoh, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike and M. Hara, Growth of L929 Cells on Polymeric Films Prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and Casting Methods, J. Biomater. Sci., Polym. Ed., 11(2), 149-168 (2000).
51) A. Higuchi, T. Agatsuma, S. Uemiya, T. Kojima, K. Mizoguchi, I. Pinnau, K. Nagai, B.D. Freeman, Preparation and Gas Permeation of Immobilized Fullerene Membranes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 77, 529-537 (2000).
52) A. Higuchi, T. Agatsuma, S. Uemiya, T. Kojima, K. Mizoguchi, I. Pinnau, K. Nagai, B.D. Freeman, Gas Permeation of Fullerene-Dispersed Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) Membranes, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys., 38(13), 1794-1755 (2000).
53) A. Higuchi, J. Komiyama and T. Iijima, Facilitated Transport of CO2 in Liquid Membrane of CsHCO3 Aqueous Solution, Sen-i Gakkaishi, 56(6), 282-289 (2000).
54) A. Higuchi, Functional Polymer: Stimuli-responsive Polymer, Molecular Recognition and Separation Membranes, Ed. R.A. Pethrick, Polymer Year Book, Harwood Academic Publishers, Netherlands, Vol. 17, 2000, p. 393-400.
55) A. Higuchi, Functional membrane, Separation Membrane and Oranic Thin Films, ed., R.A. Pethrick, G.E. Zaikov, T. Tsuruta and N. Koide, Polymer Yearbook, Harwood Academic Publishers, Netherlands, Vol. 16, 1999, p. 327-335.
56) M. Hoshi, T. Saitoh, C. Yoshioka, A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Pervaporation Separation of 1,1,2-trichloroethane-water Mixture through Crosslinked Acrylate Copolymer Composite Membranes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 74, 983-994 (1999).
57) A. Higuchi, P. Wang, T.-M. Tak, T. Nohmi and T. Hashimoto, Preparation and Properties of Surface Modified Polyacrylonitrile Hollow Fiber, ACS Symposium Series No. 744, chp. 15 (1999).
58) A. Higuchi, S. Uchiyama, M. Demura, T. Asakura, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike, H. Takarada and M. Hara, Enhanced CEA Production Associated with Aspirin in a Culture of CW-2 cells on Some polymeric Films, Cytotechnology, 31(3), 233-242 (1999).
59) A. Higuchi, H. Takarada, J. Uchino, Y. Tanigaki and M. Hara, Use of Hollow Fiber Bioreactor for High Density and Continuous Production of Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Sen-i Gakkaishi, 54(49), 204-211 (1998).
60) A. Higuchi, T. Ichi and T. Ebana, Oscillation of Membrane Potential in Ion-complex Membranes of DNA and Polyamino Acid as Biomimetic Membranes, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 94, 1979-1982 (1998).
61) M. Hoshi, M. Kobayashi, T. Satoh, A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Separation of Organic Solvent from Dilute Aqueous Solutions and from Organic Solvent Mixtures through Crosslinked Acrylate Copolymer Membranes by Pervaporation, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 69, 1483-1494 (1998).
62) A. Higuchi, T. Yoshimura, K. Kato, M. Hara, M. Higuchi, N. Minoura, T. Sato, G. Ishikawa, H. Nakano, S. Satoh and S. Manabe, Sieving Study of Chromatin and Histone-DNA Complex by Porous Hollow Fiber Membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 126, 7 (1997).
63) T. Kawai, Y.M. Lee, A. Higuchi and K. Kamide, Separation of mixed gases through porous polymeric membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 126, 67 (1997).
64) A. Higuchi, T. Hashimoto, N. Uemiya, T. Kojima and M. Hara, Effect of Surfactive Agents and Lipids on Optical Resolution of Amino Acid by Ultrafiltration Membranes Containing Serum Albumin., J. Membrane Sci., 130, 31-39 (1997).
65) M. Hara, M. Higuchi, N. Minoura and A. Higuchi, Recognition of Hormones by Membrane Potential and Circular Dichroism of Immobilized Protein Membranes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 58, 251-259 (1997).
66) S. Matsui, T. Ishiguro, A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Effect of Ultraviolet Light Irradiation on Gas Permeability in Polyimide Membranes. 1. Irradiation with Low Pressure Mercury Lamp on Photosensitive and Nonphotosensitive Membranes, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys., 35(14), 2259-2269 (1997).
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1. 樋口亜紺、高分子多孔膜を用いた医療用細胞分離、化学工業、56(6),66-73 (2005)
2. 樋口亜紺、高分子機能膜を用いた医療用細胞分離、ハイテクインフォーメーション(財団法人 中国技術振興センター)、164, 21-23 (2005)
3. 樋口亜紺、水溶液中並びに海水中に含有する内分泌撹乱物質の濃縮と分離並びに分析、日本海水学会誌、59(4), 246-256 (2005).
4. 樋口亜紺、尹富玉、水溶液並びに海水中内分泌撹乱物質のパーベーパレーション法を用いた濃縮分離、海水学会誌、58(1), 3-12 (2004)
5. 樋口亜紺、高分子機能膜を用いた医療用細胞分離、バイオインダストリー、21(6), 68-75 (2004)
6. 樋口亜紺、高分子膜を用いた医薬品の光学分割、バイオインダストリー、20(6) 5-13 (2003)
7. 樋口亜紺、細胞培養基板と細胞接着、接着、47(8), 352-359(2003)
8. 樋口亜紺、フィブロネクチン固定化ポリビニルアルコールハイドロゲルはNIH3T3細胞の接着、増殖、移動を促進する、高分子、51(1), 30 (2002).
9. 樋口亜紺、再生医療における人工膜の役割と新展開、膜、27(1) 32-38(2002).
10. 樋口亜紺、再生医療における高分子膜の役割と新展開、ケミカルエンジニヤリング、47(8) 20-25 (2002).
11. 樋口亜紺、LB法並びにCast法により調製した高分子膜上に培養した動物細胞の増殖と機能、高分子加工、50(3), 98-105 (2001).
12. 樋口亜紺、再生医療並びに組織工学における高分子並びに高分子膜の役割, ポリマーダイジェスト、53(7), 17-30 (2001).
13. 樋口亜紺、化学者のための無料で出来る特許、論文のデータベース検索, ポリマーダイジェスト, 53(8), 82-89 (2001).
14. 樋口亜紺、表面官能基制御型中空糸膜の合成とその生体適合性評価、高分子、50(9), 663 (2001).
15. 樋口亜紺、両イオン性スルホベタイン多孔体の合成とタンパク質との相互作用のキャラクタリゼーション、高分子、49(12) 847 (2000).
16. 樋口亜紺、セルロース系高分子膜のバイオテクノロジーへの応用、Cellulose Commun., 6(2) 67-72 (1999).
17. 樋口亜紺、多層荷電膜における膜電位とイオン透過、膜、24(2), 107-115 (1999)
18. 樋口亜紺、高分子膜を用いたバイオテクノロジー、(2) 様々な高分子材料表面上での細胞培養、ポリマーダイジェスト、50(4), 17-31 (1998).
19. 樋口亜紺、蛍光法を用いた高分子膜上に培養した動物細胞の膜電位測定、Jasco Report, 40(3), 35-39 (1998)
20. 樋口亜紺、高分子膜を用いたバイオテクノロジー、最近における中空糸膜による細胞培養と生理活性物質の産生、ポリマーダイジェスト、48(11), 17-31 (1996).
21. 樋口亜紺、仲川勤、荷電膜と水、表面、30, 281-288 (1992).
22. 藤井石根、樋口亜紺、自然エネルギーを主熱源にする化学熱ポンプの開発研究、明治大学科学技術研究所報告総合研究、17, 1-75 (1991).
23. 樋口亜紺、仲川勤、高分子ゲル膜の選択透過特性、表面、27, 13-21 (1989).
24. 樋口亜紺、表面修飾反応による膜改質、海外高分子研究、35(12), 229-230 (1989).
25. 樋口亜紺、高分子ゲル膜による気体、溶質の選択透過、化学と工業、41, 250-253 (1988).
26. 樋口亜紺、最近における水系分離膜の研究動向、ポリマーダイジェスト、40(3), 21-29 (1988).
27. 樋口亜紺、含水高分子膜中の水の構造と選択透過性、ポリマーダイジェスト、39, 28-35 (1987).
28. 樋口亜紺、高分子ゲル膜中の水の状態、海外高分子研究、33(4), 77 (1987).
29. 樋口亜紺、合成高分子膜中の水の状態と透過現象、高分子加工、35, 335-341 (1986).
30. 樋口亜紺、血液適合性を有する表面修飾膜、化学と工業、39(11), 875-876 (1986).
31. 樋口亜紺、ガス分離膜とバイオテクノロジー、材料技術、4(12), 491-496 (1986).


1) 木村 良春(著)、「天然素材プラスチック」高分子先端材料One Point 5、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-137, 2006年
2) 樋口亜紺、尹富玉、環境保全膜、「最先端の機能膜技術」(吉川正和監修)、シーエムシー出版、第15章、219-241 (2005) 3) 樋口亜紺、松岡由季、林静恵、医療用細胞分離膜とアフィニティーカラム、「医療用マテリアルと機能膜」(樋口亜紺監修)、シーエムシー出版、190-203 (2005).
4) 「医療用マテリアルと機能膜」(樋口亜紺監修)、シーエムシー出版、p.1-328, 2005年
5) 岩田 博夫(著)、「バイオマテリアル」高分子先端材料One Point 3、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-113, 2005年
6) 西 敏夫、中嶋 健、「高分子ナノ材料」高分子先端材料One Point 4、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-120, 2005年
7) 高分子学会燃料電池材料研究会(著)「燃料電池と高分子」高分子先端材料One Point 7、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-125, 2005年
8) 伊藤 洋、「レジスト材料」高分子先端材料One Point 10、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-104, 2005年
9) 樋口亜紺、高分子膜を用いた医薬品の光学分割、「キラル医薬品・医薬中間体の開発」(大橋武久 監修)、シーエムシー出版、第3章、p.180-190、2005年
10) 小池康博、多加谷明広(著)、「フォトニクスポリマー」高分子先端材料One Point 1、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p. 1-98, 2004年
11) 吉田 亮(著)、「高分子ゲル」高分子先端材料One Point 2、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p. 1-131, 2004年
12) 大西 敏 博、小山 美(著)「高分子EL材料―光る高分子の開発―」高分子先端材料One Point 6、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-118, 2004年
13) 井上 俊英、「エンジニアリングプラスチック」高分子先端材料One Point 8、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-127, 2004年
14) 樋口亜紺、表面化学修飾による高機能バイオ機能分離膜の設計、ナノバイオエンジニアリングマテリアル、フロンテイア出版、第IV編バイオマトリックス第3章、p. 284-292, 2004年
15) 木村 良春(著)、「天然素材プラスチック」高分子先端材料One Point 5、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-137, 2006年
16) 樋口亜紺、尹富玉、環境保全膜、「最先端の機能膜技術」(吉川正和監修)、シーエムシー出版、第15章、219-241 (2005)
17) 樋口亜紺、松岡由季、林静恵、医療用細胞分離膜とアフィニティーカラム、「医療用マテリアルと機能膜」(樋口亜紺監修)、シーエムシー出版、190-203 (2005).
18) 「医療用マテリアルと機能膜」(樋口亜紺監修)、シーエムシー出版、p.1-328, 2005年
19) 岩田 博夫(著)、「バイオマテリアル」高分子先端材料One Point 3、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-113, 2005年
20) 西 敏夫、中嶋 健、「高分子ナノ材料」高分子先端材料One Point 4、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-120, 2005年
21) 高分子学会燃料電池材料研究会(著)「燃料電池と高分子」高分子先端材料One Point 7、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-125, 2005年
22) 伊藤 洋、「レジスト材料」高分子先端材料One Point 10、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-104, 2005年
23) 樋口亜紺、高分子膜を用いた医薬品の光学分割、「キラル医薬品・医薬中間体の開発」(大橋武久 監修)、シーエムシー出版、第3章、p.180-190、2005年
24) 小池康博、多加谷明広(著)、「フォトニクスポリマー」高分子先端材料One Point 1、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p. 1-98, 2004年
25) 吉田 亮(著)、「高分子ゲル」高分子先端材料One Point 2、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p. 1-131, 2004年
26) 大西 敏 博、小山 美(著)「高分子EL材料―光る高分子の開発―」高分子先端材料One Point 6、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-118, 2004年
27) 井上 俊英、「エンジニアリングプラスチック」高分子先端材料One Point 8、高分子学会編集(編集委員(川口春馬・伊藤耕三・井上俊英・木村良晴・小山珠美 関 隆広・畑中研一・樋口亜紺・吉田 亮・渡邉正義)、p1-127, 2004年
28) 樋口亜紺、表面化学修飾による高機能バイオ機能分離膜の設計、ナノバイオエンジニアリングマテリアル、フロンテイア出版、第IV編バイオマトリックス第3章、p. 284-292, 2004年


29) A. Higuchi, Functional Polymer: Stimuli-responsive Polymer, Molecular Recognition and Separation Membranes, Ed. R.A. Pethrick, Polymer Year Book, Harwood Academic Publishers, Netherlands, Vol. 17, p. 393-400、2000.
30) A. Higuchi, Functional membrane, Separation Membrane and Oranic Thin Films, ed., R.A. Pethrick, G.E. Zaikov, T. Tsuruta and N. Koide, Polymer Yearbook, Harwood Academic Publishers, Netherlands, Vol. 16, p. 327-335, 1999.
31) K. Toyomoto and A. Higuchi, Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration, in Membrane Science and Technology (Eds. Y. Osada and T. Nakagawa), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, p289-331., 1992.
32) A. Higuchi, D. Rigby and R.F.T. Stepto, Monte Carlo Study of the Configurational Behaviour of Adsorbed Molecules, in Adsorption from Solution (Ed. R.H. Otewill et al.), Academic Press, London p273-286, 1983.


1. 樋口亜紺、核酸―遷移金属錯体触媒、特願2006-122956
2. 樋口亜紺、幹細胞並びに血液の保存基材及びその保存方法、特願2006-035083
3. 樋口亜紺、細胞培養支持体及びその細胞培養法、細胞回収法と細胞、特願2005-236288
4. 樋口亜紺、細胞分離回収膜及び細胞分離回収方法、特開 2005-323534
5. 川上宏子、戸潤一孔、原万里子、樋口亜紺、細胞培養素材、特開2004-99501
6. 樋口亜紺、たんぱく質水溶液の精製方法、特開2004-089155
7. 樋口亜紺、光学分割方法、特許公開 2002-212111
8. 樋口亜紺、ポリスルフォンポリマー、特開2003-321543.
9. 樋口亜紺、光制御による神経回路の作製法、特開2003-230378.
10. 樋口亜紺、血液適合性の評価方法、WO2003/091727
11. 樋口亜紺、内分泌撹乱物質の除去法、特開2002-086144.
12. 樋口亜紺、新規親水化芳香族高分子、特開2002-030125.
13. 樋口亜紺、環境ホルモンの除去法、特開2000-325955.
14. 樋口亜紺、横木正信、生物由来高分子溶液精製方法、特開2000-319294.
15. 樋口亜紺、DNA,RNAの効率的除去法、特開平11-333259.
16. 樋口亜紺、細胞による生理活性物質の高生産法、特開平10-243796.
17. 樋口亜紺、横山高幸、電界をかけた中空糸の製法、特公平07-053925.
18. 仲川 勤、樋口亜紺、光学活性物質の分割法、特開平、06-145074.
19. 仲川 勤、樋口亜紺、薬物除法性膜、特開平、06-145071.
20. 仲川 勤、樋口亜紺、アミノ糖を有する親水性ポリマーの製造法、特開平、05-148314.
21. 樋口亜紺、久保田昇、表面親水化高選択性透過膜とその製造方法、特開昭62-269704.
22. 樋口亜紺、横山高幸、変性ポリフェニレンエーテル樹脂、特開昭 62-148525.
23. 樋口亜紺、横山高幸、スルホン化ポリエーテルイミド半透膜、特開昭 62-121602.


1. A. Higuchi, Separation and preservation of stem cells from blood through membranesGRC2006, Membranes: Materials & Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), August, 2006.
2. A. Higuchi, Cell detachment and hematopoietic stem cell culture on pluronic-immobilized surface, 18th Tokyo Tech.-KAIST Joint Symposium on Polymer Science, Fukuoka(Japan), January 2006.
3. A. Higuchi, T. Yamamoto, S. Egashira. Y. Matsuoka, S. Natori, Temperature-dependent Cell Detachment on Pluronic Gels, Pachifichem2005, Honolulu (USA), December, 2005
4. A. Higuchi, A. Hamamura, Y. Matsuoka, S. Hayashi, Photon-modulated Changes of Cell Attachments on Poly(spiropyran-co-methylmethacrylate) Membrane 9th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), 2005
5. T. Yamamoto, K. Sugiyama, Y. Matsuoka, S. Hayashi, A. Higuchi, Temperature-Dependent Cell Detachment on Pluronic Gels, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), 2005
6. Y. Gomei, A. Iizuka, T. Miyazaki, M. Sakurai, Y. Matsuoka, S. Hayashi, A. Higuchi, Separation of Blood Cells through Porous Polymeric Membranes, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), 2005
7. Yuki Matsuoka, Akiyuki Hayashi, Akon Higuchi, Optical Resolution of Amino Acid by Ultrafiltration through Immobilized DNA Membranes, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), 2005
8. A. Takahashi, H. Hashiba, Y. Matsuoka, S. Hayashi, A. Higuchi, Surface-modified Polysulfone Hollow Fibers with Hydrophilic Group having Hemocompatibility, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), 2005.
9. T. Watanabe, H. Kitamura, Y. Matsuoka, S. Hayashi, A. Higuchi, Regulation of Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 Cells Cultured on ECM Membranes by Visible Light, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), September, 2005
10. M. Noda, S. Hayashi, Y. Matsuoka, Y. Tsukamoto, A. Higuchi, Separation of Fibroblasts and Hepatocytes through Surface-modified Polyurethane membranes, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (Italy), September, 2005
11. A. Higuchi, Human cell separation using polymeric membranes, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005(ICOM2005), Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
12. A. Takahashi, H. Hashiba, Y. Matsuoka, A. Higuchi, Surface-modified polysulfone hollow fibers with hydrophilic group having improved hemocompatibility, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
13. Yumiko Gomei, Ayumi Iizuka, Toyohiko Miyazaki, Masaru Sakurai, Yuki Matsuoka, Sizue Hayashi, Akon Higuchi, Separation of Blood Cells through Polyurethane Membranes, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
14. Toru Watanabe, Hanako Kitamura, and Akon Higuchi, Visible Light Regulation of Neurite Outgrowth, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
15. M. Noda, Y. Tsukamoto, S. Hayashi and Akon Higuchi, Cell separation of hepatocytes and fibroblasts through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
16. T. Yamamoto, Nobuo Aoki, Yumiko Gomei, Yuki Matsuoka, Shizue Hayashi, Akon Higuchi, Temperature-dependent cell detachment on Pluronic gels membranes, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
17. A. Higuchi, A. Iizuka, R. Hayashi, Y. Matsuoka, Separation of hematopoietic stem cells from blood through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, Engineering with membranes: medical and Biological Applications 2005 (EWM2005), Camogli (Italy), 2005.
18. A. Higuchi, A. Hamamura, Y. Shindo, Y. Matsuoka, Photon-modulated changes of cell attachments on poly(spiropyran-co-methylmethacrylate) membranes, Engineering with membranes: medical and Biological Applications 2005 (EWM2005), Camogli (Italy), 2005.
19. A. Higuchi, Stem Cell Separations for Tissue Engineering through Surface-Modified Porous Membranes, the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM) Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 2005.
20. A. Higuchi, Stem cell separation for tissue engineering through surface-modified porous membranes 16th Tokyo Tech.-KAIST Joint Symposium, Okayama, 2005.
21. Yumiko Gomei, Yousuke Shindo, Taisuke Mori, Taro, Uyama, Akihiro Umezawa, Akon Higuchi, Purification and Separation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells through Microfiltration, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.
22. Akon Higuchi, Ryoko Hayashi, Shin-ichi Yamamiya, Peripheral blood cell separation through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.
23. Akon Higuchi, Akiyuki Hayashi, Naoki Kanda, Yuichiro Higuchi, Kentaro Furuta, Kohei Sanui, Chiral separation of phenylalanine by ultrafiltration through immobilized DNA membranes, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.6
24. Kenichi Kobayashi, Marie Kurihara, Hanako Kitamura, Akon Higuchi, Albumin and urea production by hepatocytes cultured on extracellular matrix proteins-conjugated poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.
25. Taro Yamamoto, Kaichiro Sugiyama, Hanako Kitamura, Akon Higuchi, Preparation of Thermo-responsible Pluronic Gels and Temperature Control of Cell Detachment, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.
26. Akon Higuchi, Ryoko Hayashi, Shin-ichi Yamamiya, Hanako Kitamura, Cell Separation from Peripheral blood through Surface-modified Polyurethane Membranes, Advanced Membrane Technology II, Irsee (Germany), 2004.
27. Kobayashi, K, Hara, M, Akaike, T, Cho, C.-S., Asakura, T, and Higuchi, A, Hepatocytes cultured on extracellular matrix and peptide membranes, 7th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2004), Sydnry (Australia), 2004.
28. Yamamoto, T, Sugiyama, K and Higuchi, A, Preparation of Pluronic Gels and Animal Cells Behaviour on the Pluronic Membranes, 7th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2004), Sydnry (Australia), 2004.
29. Y. Gomei, Y. Shindo, T. Mori, T. Uyama, A. Umezawa, A. Higuchi, Separation and purification of bone marrow stromal cells using membrane filtration, 7th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2004), Sydnry (Australia), 2004.
30. A. Higuchi, H. Hashiba, K. Shirano, R. Hayashi and B.O. Yoon, Surface-modified polysulfone hollow fibers with hydrophilic group having improved haemocompatibility, 7th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2004), Sydnry (Australia), 2004.
31. Akon Higuchi, Ryoko Hayashi, Shin-ichi Yamamiya, Hanako Kitamura, Cell Separation Through Chemically Modified Polyurethane Membranes, The Second Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Seoul(Korea), 2004.
32. A. Higuchi, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solution by pervaporation:Membrane materials and transport, PACIFIC RIM QUANTUM LEAP SYMPOSIUM, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2004.3
33. K. Kobayashi, M. Hara, T. Akaike, C.-S. Cho, T. Asakura, and A. Higuchi, Production of Albumin and Urea by Mouse Hepatocytes Cultured on Various Polymeric Membranes, 18th European Conference on Biomaterials 2003, Tubingen (Germany), 2003.
34. A. Higuchi, S. Yamamiya, B.O. Yoon, M. Hara, Blood Cell Separation through Surface-modified Polyurethane Membranes, 18th European Conference on Biomaterials 2003, Tubingen (Germany), 2003.
35. K. Sugiyama, M. Sumita, S. Sugawara, T. Shirai, M. Hara, and A. Higuchi, Serum protein adsorption on PluronicTM-coated polysulfone membranes, 18th European Conference on Biomaterials 2003, Tubingen (Germany), 2003.
36. H. Hashiba, R. Omiya, M. Hara, M. Kameda, T. Shinbo, T. Kanamori, A. Higuchi, Hemocompatibility of Polysulfone Hollow Fibers Having Zwitterionic Group, 18th European Conference on Biomaterials 2003, Tubingen (Germany), 2003.
37. M. Hara, A. Shin, C. Cho, T. Akaike, A. Higuchi, Enhanced Production of Carcinoembryonic Antigen by CW-2 Cells Cultured on Polymeric Membranes Immobilized with Extracellular Matrix Proteins, , 18th European Conference on Biomaterials 2003, Tubingen (Germany), 2003.
38. Akon Higuchi, Yuichiro Higuchi, Kentaro Furuta, Boo Ok Yoon, Mariko Hara, Chiral Separation of Amino Acids by Ultrafiltration in Immobilized DNA Membranes, APMT-2003(Advanced Polymeruc Materials and Technology), Gyeongju (Korea), 2003.
39. Boo Ok Yoon, Takao Asano, Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation using hydrophobic polymeric membranes, GRC2002, Membrane: Materials & Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), 2002.
40. Hirokazu Hashiba, Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Preparation and Blood compatibility of Polysulfone Hollow Fibers Having Zwitter Structures, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), 2002.
41. Kaichiro Sugiyama, Mariko Hara, and Akon Higuchi, Adsorption Behaviour of Serum Proteins on Polysulfone Membranes from Single Protein Solution and Mixed Protein Solution, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), 2002.
42. Akon Higuchi, Masashi Nemoto Mariko Hara, and Sei-ichi Manabe, Enhanced Microfiltration of -Globulin Solution upon Treatment of NaCl Addition and/or DNase Digestion, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), 2002.
43. Boo Ok Yoon, Takao Asano, Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation using polydimethylsiloxane membranes, ICOM 2002, Toulouse, France, 2002.
44. Akon Higuchi, Kentaro Furuta, Hiroshi Yomogita, Boo Ok Yoon, Mariko Hara, Syunji Maniwa, Masatoshi Saitoh, Optical Resolution of Amino Acid by Ultrafiltration through Immobilized DNA Membranes, ICOM 2002, Toulouse, France, 2002.
45. Boo Ok Yoon, Takao Asano, Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation: Relationship between the separation factor an physical parameters of endocrine disruptors, 1st Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Tokyo, Japan, 2002.
46. A. Higuchi, K. Hashiba, B. O. Yoon, Preparation of surface-hydrophilic polysulfone membranes having biocompatibility, 1st Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Tokyo, Japan, 2002.
47. Akon Higuchi, Hiroshi Yomogita, Kentaro Furuta, Boo Ok Yoon and Mariko Hara, Preparation of Immobilized DNA Membranes and Optical Resolution of Pharmaceuticals through the DNA Membranes, 223th ACS National Meeting, Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Orlando (U.S.A.) 2002.4.9
48. Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Enhanced production of antigen (CEA) by CW-2 cells cultured on various polymeric membranes, 223th ACS National Meeting, Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Orlando (U.S.A.) 2002.
49. Takao Asano, Boo Ok Yoon, Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Concentration and Removal of Endocrine Disruptors through Hydrophobic Polymeric Membrans by Pervaporation, 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Environmental Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001.
50. Akon Higuchi, Kazunobu Shirano, Masaharu Harashima, Rika Hayashi, Mitsuo Hattori and Mariko Hara, Surface Modified Polysulfone Membranes with Hydrophilic Groups Having Improved Blood Compatibility, 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001.
51. Boo Ok Yoon, Takao Asano, Mariko Hara and Akon Higuchi, Removal of Endocrine Disruptors by Sorption method Using PDMS Membranes, 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Environmental Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001.
52. Mariko Hara, Shin Adachi and Akon Higuchi, Enhanced Production of Antigen (CEA) by Mammalian Cells Cultured on Various Polymeric Films, 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001.
53. Yasunari Takanashi, Takeshi Ohno, Mariko Hara, Chikako Tanaka, Tetsuo Asakura, Akon Higuchi, IFN- Production of Fibroblast Cells Cultured on Various Protein Membranes Containing Cell Binding Domain Sequences, 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001.
54. M. Hara, S. Takeshita, A. Higuchi, Morphologies of L929 Cells Cultured on Some Polymeric Membranes Prepared by Casting and Langmuir-Blodgett Methods, International Symposium on Membrane Science and Technology (hamamatsu, Japan), Vol. 56 p61. 2001.
55. A. Higuchi, M. Harashima, R. Hayashi, K. Shirano, M. Hara, M. Hattori, K. Imamura, Chemically Modified Polysulfone Hollow Fibers with Vinylpyrollidone Having Improved Blood Compatibility, International Symposium on Membrane Science and Technology (hamamatsu, Japan), Vol. 56 p92. 2001.
56. M. Hara, T. Asakura, C. S. CHO, T. Akaike, A. Higuchi, Morphologies of PC12 Cells Cultured on Some Polymeric Films Prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and Casting Methods, The Materials Research Society of Japan, The 12th Symposium of The MRS of Japan (Kanagawa), p59, 2000.
57. T. Asano, B. Yoon, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Concentration and removal of endocrine disruptors by pervaporation through hydrophobic membranes, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Environmental Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 262 .
58. M. Hara, T. Asakura, C. Cho, T. Akaike and A. Higuchi, Morphologies of PC12 cells cultured on some polymeric membranes prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and casting methods, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 79.
59. K. Hirano, A. Komuro, M. Hara. M. Yokogi, S. Manabe and A. Higuchi, Permeation of -globulin through microporous membrane under existence of trace DNA, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 292.
60. S. Adachi, M. Hara, M. Kamei, S. Hashizume and A. Higuchi, Enhanced production of antigen (CEA) and human antibody by mammalian cells cultured on various polymeric films, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 304.
61. Y. Takanashi, T. Ohno, M. Hara, T. Asakura and A. Higuchi, IFN- production of fibroblast cells cultured on various polymeric membranes, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 307.
62. H. Kofune, M. Hara, M. Maekawa, T. Nohmi, T. Kinoshita and A. Higuchi, Molecular recognition of vesicles containing pyrene compounds using fluorescence spectroscopy, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 309.
63. H. Yomogita, M. Hara, S. Maniwa, M. Saito and A. Higuchi, Preparation of various surface modified membranes and their optical resolution of amino acids, 220th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Washington, DC (U.S.A.) 2000, 312.
64. M. Hara, T. Asakura, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike and A. Higuchi, Morphologies of PC12 Cells Cultured on Some Polymeric MembranesPrepared by Casting and LB Methods, Biomaterials 2000, Hawaii
65. A. Higuchi, T. Ohno and M. Hara, Production of Interferon- by Fibroblast Cells Cultivated on Polymeric MembranesPrepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and Casting Methods, Biomaterials 2000, Hawaii
66. T. Imizu and A. Higuchi, Oscillation of non-linear membrane potential and recognition of ions in immobilized DNA membranes, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Colloid and Surface Chemistry, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 135 (Part I).
67. S. Adachi, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Enhanced CEA production associated with some chemicals by CW-2 cells cultured on LB and cast films, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Colloid and Surface Chemistry, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 136 (Part I).
68. M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Morphologies of L929 cells cultured on some polymeric membranes prepared by casting and LB methods, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Colloid and Surface Chemistry, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 137 (Part I).
69. T. Ohno, M. Hara, T. Asakura and A. Higuchi, Interferon- production of fibroblast cells cultured on some polymeric films prepared by LB and casting methods, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Colloid and Surface Chemistry, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 138 (Part I).
70. S. Konishi, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Novel alternative method of animal test for toxicity of chemicals using L929 cells cultivated on some polymeric films, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Colloid and Surface Chemistry, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 139 (Part I).
71. S. Uchiyama, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Enhanced production of CEA associated with some chemicals in a culture of CW-2 cells on some polymeric membranes prepared by Langmuir- Blodgett and casting methods, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Macromolecular Secretariat, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 33 (Part II).
72. K. Shirano, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Preparation and characterization of surface modified polyacrylonitrile and polysulfone hollow fibers, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div.Macromolecular Secretariat, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 34 (Part II).
73. H. Yomogida, K. Shirano, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Preparation and characterization of surface modified polyacrylonitrile hollow fibers: Optical resolution of amino acids, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Macromolecular Secretariat, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 35 (Part II).
74. K. Hirano, M. Hara, M. Yokogi, S. Manabe and A. Higuchi, Rejection of DNA from globulin solution by microfiltration membranes, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Macromolecular Secretariat, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 37 (Part II).
75. H. Kofune, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Characterization of Vesicles Containing Pyrene Compounds Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 218th ACS National Meeting, Div. Physical Chemistry, New Orleans (U.S.A.) 1999, 359 (Part II).
76. S. Uchiyama, H. Nakajima, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Enhanced production of carcinoembryonic antigen by CW-2 cells stimulated with some chemicals, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 130 (Part I).
77. M. Hara, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike and A. Higuchi, Growth and morphologies of L929 cells on polymeric films prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and casting methods, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 131 (Part I).
78. T. Ohno, M. Hara, M. Demura, T. Asakura and A. Higuchi, Growth and production of interferon- of fibroblast cultured on polymeric films prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and casting methods, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 144 (Part I).
79. A. Higuchi, S. Uchiyama and M. Hara, Cell growth and production of antigen of CW-2 cells cultured on polymeric films prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett and casting methods, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 145 (Part I).
80. K. Shirano, M. Yonehara, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Optical resolution of surface-modified polyacrylonitrile hollow fibers, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 157 (Part I). 81. T. Takeshita, T. Sato, G. Ishikawa, H. Nakano, S. Satoh and A. Higuchi, Sieving study of histon-DNA complexes and DNA under existence of protein by hollow-fiber membrane, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 158 (Part I).
82. T. Imizu, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Oscillation of membrane potential and recognition of ions in immobilized DNA membranes, 216th ACS National Meeting, Div. Biochem. Tech., Boston (U.S.A.) 1998, 53 (Part II)
83. A. Higuchi, P. Wang and T. Hashimoto, Preparation and Characteristics of Surface Modified Hollow Fibers, Pro. Amer. Chem. Soc. Div. Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., Las Vegas (U.S.A.), 77, 350 (1997).
84. A. Higuchi and M. Hara, Production of Use of Carcinoembryonic Antigen by CW2 cell using Hollow Fiber Bioreactor, The 4th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Chiba, 1997, 156.
85. M. Hara, S. Tamiya and A. Higuchi, Morphologies of L929 cell cultured on Polymeric Membranes Prepared by Casting and LB Methods, The 4th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Chiba, 1997, 157.
86. M. Hara, S. Tamiya, K. Ishida, C.-S. Cho, T. Akaike and A. Higuchi, Fibroblast Cell Response to Various Polymeric Membranes Prepared by Casting and LB Methods, 36th IUPAC Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997, 441.
87. A. Higuchi, T. Takeshita, T. Sato, G. Ishikawa, H. Nakano and S. Satoh, Rejection of Histone-DNA Complex by Porous Hollow Fiber Membranes, 36th IUPAC Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997, 538.
88. M. Yonehara, T. Hashimoto, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Optical Resolution of Amino Acids by UF Hollow Fibers using Recognition Sites of Serum Akbumin: Effects of Lipids and Surfactants, 36th IUPAC Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997, 538.
89. M. Hara, S. Tamiya, C.-S, Cho, T. Akaike and A.Higuchi, Morphologies of Fibroblast Cell Cultured on Polymeric Membranes Prepared by Casting and LB Methods, 13th European Conference on Bionaterials, Goteborg, Sweden, 1997, 92.
90. A. Higuchi, M. Hara, T. Sato, G. Ishikawa, H. Nakano and S. Satoh, Rejection of DNA, Protein-DNA Complexes and Chromatin by Hollow Fiber Membranes, The Membrane Society of Korea, 1996, p18-21
91. A. Higuchi, K. Kato, M. Hara, T. Sato, G. Ishikawa, H. Nakano, S. Satoh, S. Manabe, Rejection of DNA, Protein-DNA Complexes and Chromatin by Porous Hollow Fiber Membranes, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 1, p124.
92. T. Nakajima, M. Hara, T. Nakagawa and A. Higuchi, Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Carbon Dioxide in Polymeric Membranes, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 2, p35-37.
93. M. Hara, S.-S. Cho, T. Akaike, M. Higuchi, N. Minoura and A. Higuchi, Circular Dichroism Study on Recognition of Substrates by Immobilized Albumin Membranes Prepared from Langmuir-Blodgett and Entrapment Methods, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 2, p23-25.
94. T. Hashimoto, M. Yonehara, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Optical Resolution of Amino Acids by UF Hollow Fibers Using Recognition Sites of Serum Albumin, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 2, p72-74.
95. M. Yonehara, T. Hashimoto, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Optical Resolution of Amino Acids by UF Hollow Fibers Using Recognition Sites of Serum Albumin: Effects of Lipids and Surfactants, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 2, p75-77.
96. T. Inoue, A. Higuchi, M. Maekawa and T. Nohmi, Odor Analysis by Odor Sensors and Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Wood Samples, Polyimides and Sulfar-containing Polymers, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 2, p115-117.
97. S. Tamiya, H. Tadika, K. Ishida, M. Hara, S.-S. Cho, T. Akaike and A. Higuchi, Morphologies and Membrane Potential of Animal Cultured Cells on Various Polymeric Membranes, International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC'96), Sydney (Australia), 1996, Volume 2, p175-177.
98. A. Higuchi and M. Hara, Oscillation of Membrane Potential in Chemically Modified Poly(-amino acid) Membranes, The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96), Yokohama (Japan), 1996, p768.
99. T. Hashimoto, M. Yonehara, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Optical Resolution of Amino Acids by UF Hollow Fibers using Recognition Sites of Serum Albumin, The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96), Yokohama (Japan), 1996, p262.
100. T. Nakajima, M. Hara, T. Nakagawa and A. Higuchi, Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of CO2 in Polymeric Membranes, The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96), Yokohama (Japan), 1996, p324.
101. S. Tamiya, M. Hara and A. Higuchi, Membrane Potential of Animal Cultured Cells by a Fluorescence Method, The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96), Yokohama (Japan), 1996, p692.
102. M. Hara, M. Higuchi, N. Minoura, C.S. Cho, T. Akaike and A. Higuchi, Recognition of Substrates by Circular Dichroism of Immobilized BSA Membranes Prepared from LB Method and Casting Method, The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96), Yokohama (Japan), 1996, p730.
103. T. Inoue, A. Higuchi, M. Maekawa and T. Nohmi, Odor Analysis by Odor Sensors and Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Sulfar-containing Polymers, The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'96), Yokohama (Japan), 1996, p784.
104. A. Higuchi, Recognition of Substrates by membrane Potential of Hybrid Membranes, The Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J), 1996, p165
105. A. Higuchi, Oscillation of Membrane Potential in Chemically Modified Poly(a-amino acid) Membranes, Preprints of the Fourth Pacific Polymer Conference, Kauai (Hawaii, USA), 1995, p289.
106. M. Hara, N. Minoura and A. Higuchi, Recognition of Amino Acids by Membrane Potential and Circular Dichroism of Immobilized Albumin Membranes, 35th IUPAC Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, No. 1, 471, 1995.
107. A. Higuchi, Recognition of Substrates by membrane Potential of Immobilized Protein Membranes (Eds. A. Shoji and N. Okui), Proc. Inter. Polym. Sci. Symp., Plastic Age, (1995) p131.
108. A. Higuchi and M. Hara, Chaotic Oscillation of Membrane Potential in Surface Modified Membranes, 5th SPSJ International Polymer Conference, Osaka, 1994, p161.
109. M. Hara, M. Minoura and A. Higuchi, Recognition of Amino Acids by Membrane Potentialand Circular Dichroism of Immobilized Albumin Membranes, 5th SPSJ International Polymer Conference, Osaka, 1994, p336.
110. A. Higuchi and M. Hara, Oscillation of Membrane Potential in Surface Modified Poly(-amino acid) Membranes, Proc. of the International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology, Yokohama, 1994, p111.
111. T. Nakagawa, M. Mori and A. Higuchi, Stabilization of Permeability of PMSP Membrane to Gases by Copolymerization and Blend of Polyphenylpropyne, The 1993 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'93), Heidelberg (Germany), 1993.
112. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Optical resolution of amino acids through ultrafiltration containing serum albumin, The 1993 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'93), Heidelberg (Germany), 1993.
113. T. Nakagawa, Y. Kawashima, S. Nagashima and A. Higuchi, Preparation and Gas Permeability of Copolymer Membranes Composed of Rubbery and Glassy Sehments Having Trimethylsilyl Groups, 4rd SPSJ International Polymer Conference, Yokohama, 1992, p58.
114. A. Higuchi, Y. Ando and T. Nakagawa, Recognition of Substrates by Membrane Potential of Immobilized Protein Membranes, 4rd SPSJ International Polymer Conference, Yokohama, 1992, p315.
115. A. Higuchi, Y. Ando and T. Nakagawa, Recognition of Substrates by Membrane Potential Shifts: Immobilized Protein Membranes, 7th International Symposium on MolecularRecognition and Inclusion, Kyoto, 1992, p143.
116. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Surface Modified Polysulfone Membranes: Separation of Mixed Proteins and Optical Resolution of Tryptophan, 203rd ACS National Meeting, I&E.C., San Francisco (U.S.A.) 1992, 93 (Part II).
117. T. Nakagawa, S. Nagashima and A. Higuchi, Synthesis and Gas Transport Properties of New Copolymer Membranes with Trimethylsllyl Groups, 203rd ACS National Meeting, I&E.C., San Francisco (U.S.A.) 1992, 109 (Part II).
118. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Surface Modified Polysulfone Membranes for Separation of Proteins, 3rd SPSJ International Polymer Conference, Nagoya, 1990, p67.
119. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Separation of Proteins by Surface Modified PolysulfoneMembranes, The 1990 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'90), Chicago (U.S.A.), 1990, Vol. 1, p87.
120. T. Nakagawa, M. Sekiguchi, K. Nagai and A. Higuchi, Gas Permeability and Diffusivity of Chemically Modified Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] Membranes, The 1990 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM'90), Chicago (U.S.A.), 1990, Vol. 2, p. 824.
121. T. Nakagawa, K. Takita, E. Watanabe and A. Higuchi, Effect od the Chemical Structure on the Gas Permeability of Polyimide Membranes, International Symposium on Membranes and Membrane Separation Processes, Torun (Poland), 1989, p5.
122. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Surface Modified Polysulfone Hollow Fibers [II] Modification with Propane Sultone, International Symposium on Membranes and Membrane Separation Processes, Torun (Poland), 1989, p153.
123. A. Higuchi, T. Katoh and T. Nakagawa, Recognition of Solutes by Non-steady State Analysis in Their Permeation in Membranes, 6th International Symposium Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry, Tubingen (West Germany), 1989, p191.
124. T. Nakagawa, K. Takita and A. Higuchi, Permeability of New Polyimide Membranes to Carbon Dioxide, 6th International Symposium Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry, Tubingen (West Germany), 1989, p91.
125. T. Nakagawa, S. Hayashi and A. Higuchi, Separation of Water/alcohol Mixtures by Pervaporation with Modified Poly(vinyl chloride) Membranes, Proc. Int. Conf. Pervaporation Processes Chem. Ind., 4th, p19-27, 1989.
126. T. Nakagawa, H. Nakano and A. Higuchi, Modified Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] Membranes for Gas Separation by Filling of Oligomers, IUPAC 32nd International Symposium on Macromolecules, Kyoto, 1988, p566. 127. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Surface Modified Polysulfone Hollow Fibers, IUPAC 32nd International Symposium on Macromolecules, Kyoto, 1988, p571.
128. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Surface Modified Polysulfone Hollow Fibers, Speciality Polymers' 88, Cambridge (England) 1988, p143.
129. A. Higuchi and T. Nakagawa, Membrane Potential and Permeation of Salts in Bipolar Membranes, The 1987 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane processes (ICOM 87), Tokyo 1987, p95.
130. T. Nakagawa, T. Saito, Y. Kojima, H. Nakano and A. Higuchi, Stabilized Poly[1-(trimethyl- silyl)-1-propyne] Membranes with High Gas Permeselectivity, The 1987 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane processes (ICOM 87), Tokyo 1987, p512.


Invited Speaker at International Conference:
1. A. Higuchi, Separation and preservation of stem cells from blood through membranesGRC2006, Membranes: Materials & Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, NH(U.S.A), August, 2006.
2. A. Higuchi, Temperature-dependent Cell Detachment on Pluronic Gels, Pachifichem2005, Honolulu (USA), December, 2005
3. A. Higuchi, Human cell separation using polymeric membranes, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005(ICOM2005), Seoul(Korea), August, 2005
4. A. Higuchi, Separation of hematopoietic stem cells from blood through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, Engineering with membranes: medical and Biological Applications 2005 (EWM2005), Camogli (Italy), May, 2005
5. A. Higuchi, Stem Cell Separations for Tissue Engineering through Surface-Modified Porous Membranes, the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM) Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, April, 2005
6. A. Higuchi, Peripheral blood cell separation through surface-modified polyurethane membranes, The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), June, 2004.
7. A. Higuchi, Cell Separation from Peripheral Blood through Surface-modified Polysulfone Membranes, Advanced Membrane Technology II, Irsee (Germany), May, 2004.
8. A. Higuchi, Rejection of DNA, Protein-DNA Complexes and Chromatin by Hollow Fiber Membranes, The Membrane Society of Korea, 1996.

Professional Activity of Scientific Society:
2001-2004 Member of Publication of Polymer Society of Japan
2001-present Editor of Membrane Society of Japan
2002-present Regional Board of Polymer Society of Japan
2003-present Councilor of Membrane Society of Japan
2003-present Editor of Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan
2006-present Chairman of Research Group on the Interaction between Polymer and Water and Separation Science, Polymer Society of Japan

Session Chairmanships at International and USA Meetings
• The 1996 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Yokohama, Japan, 1996 (1 session)
• 214th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., Las Vegas (U.S.A.), 77, 350 (1997) (1 session)
• 222th ACS National Meeting, Div. Polymer Chemistry, Chicago, DC (U.S.A.) 2001 (1 session)
• Symposium on Membranes - Basic Science and Technology Society of Fiber Science, Japan, Hamamatsu, Japan 2001 (Symposium Organizer)
• 223th ACS National Meeting, Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Orlando (U.S.A.), April, 2002.
• Advanced Membrane Technology II, Irsee (Germany), 2004 (1 session)
• The 15th Annual North American Membrane Society Meeting (NAMS2004), Honolulu, (USA), 2004.
• The 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM) Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 2005 (Session organizer & session chairman)
• Engineering with membranes: medical and Biological Applications 2005 (EWM2005), Camogli (Italy), 2005 (Member of Scientific committe& session chairman)
• International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2005, Seoul(Korea), August, 2005 (1 session)
• Pachifichem2005, Honolulu (USA), December, 2005 (1 session)
• 8th Tokyo Tech.-KAIST Joint Symposium on Polymer Science, Fukuoka(Japan), January 2006 (1 session)
• 232th ACS National Meeting, Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, San Francisco (U.S.A.), September, 2006 (1 session)

Research Funds

(A) Funds from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
A-1. 1987; A. Higuchi, Basic study of multifunctional immobilized enzyme sensor using nonsteady state analysis, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exploratory Research (A), 900,000 Yen (7,500US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-2. 1987; T. Nakagawa, A. Higuchi, Synthesis and permeation study of dialysis membranes having resistance to radiation, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Investigation Research
A-3. 1988; A. Higuchi, Basic study of multifunctional immobilized enzyme sensor using nonsteady state analysis, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exploratory Research (A), 800,000 Yen (6,666 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-4. 1988; T. Nakagawa, A. Higuchi, Synthesis and permeation study of dialysis membranes having resistance to radiation, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Investigation Research
A-5. 1989; T. Nakagawa, A. Higuchi, Effect of structure of matrix for immobilized enzyme on activity of enzyme, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (C)
A-6. 1990; T. Nakagawa, A. Higuchi, Effect of structure of matrix for immobilized enzyme on activity of enzyme, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (C)
A-7. 1991; A. Higuchi, Preparation of molecular-affinity membranes and role of their interface for separation of mixed proteins, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exploratory Research (A), 900,000 Yen (7,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-8. 1992; A. Higuchi, Preparation of affinity membranes and role of their mechanism of molecular recognition for chiral separation, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exploratory Research (A), 900,000 Yen (7,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-9. 1995; A. Higuchi, Spontaneous oscillation of membrane potential in surface-modified polyamino acid membranes, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (C), 1,200,000 Yen (10,000 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-10. 1996; A. Higuchi, Spontaneous oscillation of membrane potential in surface-modified polyamino acid membranes, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (C), 600,000 Yen (5,000 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-11. 1997; A. Higuchi, Establishment of purification and separation through membranes using deformation characteristics of DNA and viruses, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (B), 4,100,000 Yen (34,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-12. 1998; A. Higuchi, Establishment of purification and separation through membranes using deformation characteristics of DNA and viruses, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (B), 3,200,000 Yen (26,667 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-13. 1999; A. Higuchi, Establishment of purification and separation through membranes using deformation characteristics of DNA and viruses, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (B), 2,500,000 Yen (20,833 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-14. 1999; A. Higuchi, Concentration, purification and analytical system of endocrine disruptors, Maching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 21,520,000 Yen (179,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-15. 2000; A. Higuchi, Establishment of purification and separation through membranes using deformation characteristics of DNA and viruses, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (B), 1,100,000 Yen (9,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-16. 2000; A. Higuchi, Millenium Project from Prof. K. Saito at Hokkaido University, 1,500,000 Yen (12,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-17. 2001; A. Higuchi, Creation of smart membranes by highly regulation of molecular cavity, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Priority Area (B), 1,2,000,000 Yen (10,000 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-18. 2001; A. Higuchi, Materials of molecular synchronization, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Priority Area (A), 250,000 Yen (2,083 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-19. 2001; A. Higuchi, Millenium Project from Prof. K. Saito at Hokkaido University, 1,500,000 Yen (12,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-20. 2002; A. Higuchi, M. Hara, Preparation of neuron circuit and regulation of neurite outgrowth by light irradiation, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exploratory Research (B), 1,300,000 Yen (10,833 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-21. 2002; A. Higuchi, Creation of smart membranes by highly regulation of molecular cavity, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Priority Area (B), 1,100,000 Yen (9,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-22. 2002; A. Higuchi, Materials of molecular synchronization, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Priority Area (A), 400,000 Yen (3,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-23. 2002; A. Higuchi, Millenium Project from Prof. K. Saito at Hokkaido University, 1,500,000 Yen (12,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-24. 2003; A. Higuchi, M. Hara, Preparation of neuron circuit and regulation of neurite outgrowth by light irradiation, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Exploratory Research (B), 700,000 Yen (5,833 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-25. 2003; A. Higuchi, Creation of smart membranes by highly regulation of molecular cavity, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Priority Area (B), 7,000,000 Yen (58,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-26. 2003; A. Higuchi, Study of advanced materials for resolution of water problems from Prof. A. Tanioka at Tokyo Institute of technology, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research
A-27. 2004; A. Higuchi, Creation of smart membranes by highly regulation of molecular cavity, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Priority Area (B), 4,100,000 Yen (34,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-28. 2004; A. Higuchi (Project leader), Development and evaluation of organic materials and biomaterials for next generation, High-Tech Research Center, 29,000,000 Yen (241,667 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-29. 2005; A. Higuchi, Preparation of cell separation membranes for regenerative medicine and separation of stem cells from bone marrow and blood, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (C), 1,700,000 Yen (14,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-30. 2005; A. Higuchi (Project leader), Development and evaluation of organic materials and biomaterials for next generation, High-Tech Research Center, 950,000 Yen (7,916 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-31. 2006; A. Higuchi, Preparation of cell separation membranes for regenerative medicine and separation of stem cells from bone marrow and blood, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research (C), 1,100,000 Yen ( 9,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
A-32. 2006; A. Higuchi, Development and evaluation of organic materials and biomaterials for next generation, High-Tech Research Center, 900,000 Yen (7,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)

(B) Funds from the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries of Japan
B-1. 1998; A. Higuci, Structure of silk proteins-Analysis of physical properties and application of biosensing from Prof. T. Asakura at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen) B-2. 1999; A. Higuci, Structure of silk proteins-Analysis of physical properties and application of biosensing from Prof. T. Asakura at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
B-3. 2000; A. Higuci, Structure of silk proteins-Analysis of physical properties and application of biosensing from Prof. T. Asakura at Tok
University of Agriculture and Technology, 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
B-4. 2001; A. Higuci, Structure of silk proteins-Analysis of physical properties and application of biosensing from Prof. T. Asakura at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)

(C) Funds from Foundation
C-1. 1989; A. Higuci, Award of Exploratory Research of polymer, Polymer Society of Japan, 100,000 Yen (833 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-2. 1990; A. Higuci, Surface-modified polysulfone membranes, Exploratory research fund of ICI Japan, ICI Japan, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-3. 1990; A. Higuchi, Recognition of antigen-antibody using hybrid membranes from membrane potential measurement, Sasakawa Scientific Research Fund, The Japan Science Society, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-4. 1991; A. Higuchi, Recognition of antigen-antibody using hybrid membranes from membrane potential measurement, Sasakawa Scientific Research Fund, The Japan Science Society, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-5. 1992; A. Higuchi, Recognition of antigen-antibody using hybrid membranes from membrane potential measurement, Sasakawa Scientific Research Fund, The Japan Science Society, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-6. 1992; A. Higuchi, Preparation of membranes having molecular regognition and chiral separation of amino acids, Research Fund of Kanagawa Science Academy, Kanagawa Science Academy, 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-7. 1994; A. Higuchi, Recognition of substrates by immobilized protein membranes from membrane potential and circular dichroism, Asahi Glass Foundation, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-8. 1995; A. Higuchi, Recognition of substrates by immobilized protein membranes from membrane potential and circular dichroism, Asahi Glass Foundation, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-9. 1996; A. Higuchi, Construction and Function expression of novel molecular recognition sites, Matching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 7,800,000 Yen (65,000 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-10. 1996; A. Higuchi, Travel fund, Iketani Science and Technology Foundation, 300,000 (2,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-11. 1997; A. Higuchi, Construction and Function expression of novel molecular recognition sites, Matching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 7,800,000 Yen (65,000 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-12. 1998; A. Higuchi, Construction and Function expression of novel molecular recognition sites, Matching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 7,000,000 Yen (58,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-13. 1999; A. Higuchi, Development of monitoring system and concentration of endocrine disruptors in sea water using pervaporation method, Salt Science Foundation, 900,000 (7,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-14. 2000; A. Higuchi, Development of monitoring system and concentration of endocrine disruptors in sea water using pervaporation method(II) concentration and separation of model PCB and dioxin, Salt Science Foundation, 900,000 (7,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-15. 2001; A. Higuchi, Development of monitoring system and concentration of endocrine disruptors in sea water using pervaporation method - concentration and separation of dioxin and pesticide, Salt Science Foundation, 900,000 (7,500 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-16. 2002; A. Higuchi, Promotion of presentation at oversea, The Japan Science Society, 280,000 (2,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-17. 2002; A. Katoh, T. Tsubomura, A. Higuchi, Expression of molecular function from bio-inspired, Matching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 7,000,000 Yen (58,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-18. 2003; A. Higuchi, Development of monitoring system and concentration of endocrine disruptors in sea water using pervaporation method, Salt Science Foundation, 850,000 (7,083 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-19. 2003; A. Katoh, T. Tsubomura, A. Higuchi, Expression of molecular function from bio-inspired, Matching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 7,000,000 Yen (58,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-20. 2004; A. Katoh, T. Tsubomura, A. Higuchi, Expression of molecular function from bio-inspired, Matching Fund Subsidy for Private Universities, 7,000,000 Yen (58,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-21. 2004; A. Higuchi, neurite outgrowth by irradiation of patterned light and preparation of neuronal circuit for neuron computer, Asahi Glass Foundation, 3,500,000 Yen (29,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-21. 2005; A. Higuchi, neurite outgrowth by irradiation of patterned light and preparation of neuronal circuit for neuron computer, Asahi Glass Foundation, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-22. 2005; A. Higuchi, Preparation of membranes of stem cell separation having nano-segments on their surface for regenerative medicine and separation of stem cells, Iketani Science and technology Foundation, 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
C-23. 2005; A. Higuchi, neurite outgrowth by irradiation of patterned light and preparation of neuronal circuit for neuron computer, Asahi Glass Foundation, 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)

(D) Research Funds from Private Company
D-1. 1993; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-2. 1994; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-3. 1994; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study of odor sensors, Nohmi Bosai Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-4. 1995; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-5. 1995; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study of odor sensors, Nohmi Bosai Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-6. 1996; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-7. 1996; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study of odor sensors, Nohmi Bosai Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-8. 1997; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-9. 1998; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 500,000 Yen (4,167 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-10. 1999; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-11. 1999; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study of surface hydrophilic polysulfone membranes, Asahi Medical Ltd., 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-12. 2000; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-13. 2000; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study of surface hydrophilic polysulfone membranes, Asahi Medical Ltd., 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-14. 2001; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-15. 2001; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study of surface hydrophilic polysulfone membranes, Toray Industries, Inc., 1,000,000 Yen (8,333 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-16. 2002; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for DNA using porous cellulose membranes, Asahi Chemical Ltd., 2,500,000 Yen (20,833 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-17. 2002; A. Higuchi, Cooperative study for cell culture using peptide lipids, Noguchi Research Institute, 250,000 Yen (2,083 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-18. 2004; A. Higuchi, Development of chemical technology of Polymer for regenerative medicine, OneCell Co., 2,000,000 Yen (16,667 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-19. 2004; A. Higuchi, Cell culture materials using sericin and fibroin proteins from silk, Gifu Biological Industry Institute, 150,000 Yen (1250 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-20. 2005; A. Higuchi, Development of chemical technology of Polymer for regenerative medicine, OneCell Co., 2,500,000 Yen (20,833 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)
D-21. 2006; A. Higuchi, Development of chemical technology of Polymer for regenerative medicine, OneCell Co., 2,000,000 Yen (16,667 US$; 1 US$=120 Yen)

樋口亜紺  博士 台湾新聞報導

化粧品分野では、機能性をもたせた商品が多く出回るようになってきた。細胞成長因子(セルグロースファクター)は、これまで再生医療、分子生物学等、学術並びに医療分野でのみしか用いられてこなかった。 しかしながら、EGF(上皮細胞成長(増殖)因子)、FGF-1(繊維芽細胞成長(増殖)因子)並びにFGF-7等の細胞成長因子は、化粧品成分として認められるようになってきて以来、細胞新生させて美容に用いる戦略の次世代の高機能化粧品の成分として注目されてきている。

一方、FGFは繊維芽細胞に対して細胞増殖を促進させる蛋白質である。すなわち、150から300個のアミノ酸の連なった蛋白質であり、当初は脳の抽出物から精製された。FGFは当初2種類発見され、aFGF(acidic FGFまたはFGF-1またはFGF1)とbFGF(basic FGFまたはFGF-2またはFGF2)と命名された。現在では、FGF-1、FGF-2、FGF-7(KGF)を含めて、ヒトで22種類のFGFが同定されている。これらのFGFの機能解析が進むことにより、FGFは単なる繊維芽細胞増殖因子ではなく、様々な細胞に対する細胞増殖・分化活性を有する形態形成因子、組織障害のときに働く組織修復因子、生体の恒常性を維持するための代謝調節因子、細胞に栄養分を送るために新たな血管を構築させる血管新生因子として働くことが明らかになっている。したがって、FGFは多機能分泌因子として発生生物学や再生医療の分野で注目されている。
FGF-7は別名KGFともよばれており、KGFは角化細胞増殖因子、角質細胞増殖因子、ケラチノサイト増殖因子とも訳されている。KGF受容体は、舌、口腔、粘膜、食道、胃、腸、唾液腺、肺、肝臓、膵臓、腎臓、膀胱、乳腺、皮膚 (毛嚢と脂腺)、眼球水晶体といった多くの組織の上皮細胞に存在していることがわかっており、この受容体型チロシンキナーゼと結合して細胞内にシグナルが送られる。 KGFの化粧品成分の応用として、発毛作用が注目されている。これは、KGFは毛乳頭細胞から産生され、毛母細胞に作用し、毛母細胞の増殖、分裂を促すことで毛髪成長させると解釈されているからである。
以上の細胞成長因子は、化粧品成分として期待される半面、安全性や有用性の指標となる生理活性に対して警鐘を鳴らす声もあり、急速な市場拡大に対する供給側の対応も注目される。特に、EGF配合、FGF配合と化粧品の宣伝にうたっていても、用いたEGF, FGFの活性度の低さ、さらには、配合量に問題があるケースが報告されてきている。これらの問題を消費者の立場から避けるために、日本では、「日本EGF協会」が昨年7月に設立された。協会では変異原性試験による安全性の確認や生理活性などの規格化、プラスミド残留データの提示、配合率などをクリアした商品に対して協会では品質保証マークを発行している。今後、このような細胞増殖因子等を用いた化粧品の有効な用い方の研究、有効度の検定等のデータの蓄積が期待されるとともに、私たちの生活のQOLがこのような高機能な化粧品によって向上されることを切望している。

上皮細胞成長因子( human epidermal growth factor)は、一般に EGF と略称される。
EGF は53個のアミノ酸から形成される一種のタンパク質で、スタンレー・コーエン博士(1962年ノーベル賞受賞)によって発見された。EGF は血流を良くし、血管を修復し、コラーゲンの蓄積を促す。火傷による皮膚移植や、角膜切開による傷の回復促進などの目的に、医療の分野で使用されてきた。人間は年齢を重ねるにしたがって、hEGF の分泌量が減少していく。これが肌の老化現象の主な原因である。EGF を肌に補給することにより、新しいみずみずしい皮膚細胞の新生を促すことが期待される。つまり老化現象を逆行させることが期待される。
線維芽細胞成長因子(fibroblast growth factor)は線維芽細胞をはじめとするさまざまな細胞に対して増殖活性や分化誘導など多彩な作用を示す多機能性細胞間シグナル因子である。現在までに構造上の類似性からヒトにおいて22種類からなるファミリーを 形成している。特にFGF-1(aFGF)やFGF-2(bFGF)は中胚葉構造に 対して強力な細胞分裂促進効果を与えることが知られている。FGF-7は別名KGFとよばれている。KGFは日本では角化細胞増殖因子、角質細胞増殖因子、ケラチノサイト増殖因子と訳されている。KGFを化粧品成分として用いることにより発毛作用が期待されている。というのは、KGFは毛乳頭細胞から産生されており、毛母細胞に作用し、毛母細胞の増殖、分裂を促すことで毛髪成長させていると考えれているからである。

英文  新聞報導

Cosmetics having specific functions and factors are now commercially available. For example, epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-1 FGF-7 (KGF) can be used as specific components in cosmetics recently, although several cell growth factors have been only used for therapoietic and research objects. These growth factors in cosmetics can be expected to generate new skins from the generation of new cells in the strategy of novel type of cosmetics.
Herein, the functions and activities of EGF, FGF-1 and FGF-7 are briefly summarized as follows.
EGF is a protein constructed by 53 amino acids, and promotes the cell growth to epidermal cells mainly. Dr. Cohen who awarded Nobel Prize in 1986, found that precocious eyelid opening and precocious tooth eruption were generated in earlier stage compared to the control newborn mice when crude submaxillary gland preparations were injected into the newborn mice. He purified a specific protein from crude submaxillary gland preparations, and verified that the effect of the protein for eyelid opening and tooth eruption was originated from the enhanced growth of epidermal cells from observation of microscopy of the newborn mice. Finally he named the protein as EGF. We could expect EGF as components in cosmetics will generate young skin by promotion of cell growth on epidermal layers.
FGF is a protein constructed by 150-300 amino acids, which promotes cell growth of fibroblasts. FGF was originally isolated from extract of brains. Originally two types of FGF gene family, which are acidic FGF (aFGF) and basic FGF (bFGF) were discovered.
Nowadays, 22FGF genes (FGF family) including FGF-1, FGF-2 and FGF-7 (KGF) have been identified in human. Due to the research progress of the FGF functions, FGFs have been discovered as not only the growth factors for fibloblasts, but also key factors which regulate (1) several kinds of cell growth and cell differentiation, (2) regeneration of tissues, (3) homeostatics of metabolism and promotion of angiogenesis, which supply the nutrition to the tissue cells. We are now expecting EGF and FGF-1 as components in cosmetics will generate young skin by promotion of cell growth on epidermal and dermal layers.
FGF-7 (KGF) is also named as keratinocyte growth factor. KGF receptor was localized on epidermal cells on several types of tissues such as tangue, cheek cavity, mucosa membrane, gullet, stomach, intestine, salivary, lung, kidney, pancreas, kidney, bladder, mammary gland, skin (follicle epithelium), eyeball crystal. Cell signaling in the cells are generated by the binding between KGF and KGF receptor working as a tyrosine kinase receptor.
KGF is now focused on an essential component that works as regeneration of hairs as an application of cosmetic components. Because KGF is produced on hair papilla cells, therefore, KGF is expected to grow hairs by promotion of growth and differentiation of hair matrix cells through activation of hair matrix cells.
Cell growth factors now attracted attention as new types of cosmetic components originated from molecular biology of the cells.
However, steeply generated market of the cosmetics containing those cell growth factors has been worried from consumers because of the biological quality of those newly developed cosmetics. There found such a regrettable cases that some cosmetics contain only low biological quality and quantity of the cell growth factors, although the cosmetics are advertising as their products containing EGF or FGF. Considering these environment, Japan EGF Association was established as a non-profit organization in July 2006 in Japan. This is to verify the production of cosmetics containing high quality and quantity of EGF and FGF.
Japan EGF Association issues the quality mark for the cosmetic products which show safety from mutagenesis assay and residual content of plasmid, and contain the growth factors having enough biological standard activity and contents.
We are now hoping that these kind of high-tech cosmetics will contribute to our promotion of QOL as well as scientific research for the usage of cell growth factor in cosmetics.
Epidermal layer (EGF activates epidermal cells)
Dermal layer (FGF activates dermal cells)
subcutaneous fat layer Figure Schematic of cross-section of skin.

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